
One Platform

Several configurations, multiple associated products

iCLx is the new platform for the development of multifunction equipment. Development time and related costs are reduced since there is only one hardware and software platform, which allows different types of setting and multiple products.


Powered by iCLx-Core

The iCLx platform uses our iCLx-Core (System-On-Module), which is equipped with a powerful Cortex-A9 processor configured with 2 or 4 Core and with 4GB to 128GB of storage. Achieving maximum performance and faster operations.


System-on Module

Full power at lower cost

iCLx-Core is our System On Module development which is used in all of our products.
Based on the powerful Cortex A9 processor, it can be configured with 2 or 4 Core for maximum performance,
as well as expanding its memory capacity from 2GB to 128GB according to needs. ICLx Core development
It allows us to minimize product costs and be able to upgrade to new processors without having to redesign existing products.

iCLX Core

-Dual core 1.3ghz.
-Linux Operative System
-Unique processor

Power & Performance

Equipped with powerful Cortex A9 core,
the iCLx Core chip delivers ultra-fast operations.

Cortex A9 Quad 1Ghz
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Operative system
eMMC 8gb,  up to 128 GB expansible
DDR3L 2GB, up to 4GB expansible
Unique serial number
Back up battery


Faster operations.

Contact Us

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